Haunting sequencers from the Queen of Ice Wave:
Pre-apocalyptische notas over nothing. Sciency stuff, poetry, politics, art and the music of total dissent. May the Almighty bless you and all who sail into her... Welcome
maandag 6 januari 2025
zondag 5 januari 2025
"Invasion": art from the British Justice and Prison Gulag
The work represents a particularly poignant thematic, that of the prisoners' eternal desire of causing prognancy in the adult female.
The Rebels Strike Back!
Two Rebel 'Fatboy' (a Mk I and a Mk II) nuclear tipped drones about to brush a small town on the outskirts of Washington under the carpet. All hail the mighty atom!
Fatboy Mk I narrowly missed the target but Mk II slammed right in there, boy do these smart nuclear fusions produce colourful mushrooms. Halleluyah!John Connor built those beauties while detained at HMP Goulash 17 and then managed to smuggle them out.
Here is the blueprint for the Mk I, he nearly paid for his life with that one... 1/§ scale, no details on prepulsion/thermonucleaire contxt, of course...
He now lives in peace near a large pond, a total recluse.
zaterdag 4 januari 2025
Fire at the Tower of Hexalon!
Recycling made practical. A guide.
HEXA is my brand of vaping and I like it (but once I get my real vaping stuff from the Island of Doom it'll all go out of the window).
Like all 'well meaning' capitalists it provides a wealth of 'information', related to the pressing problem of that mountain of 'ewaste'.
The tower of Hexalon below is made from empty boxes (of 'pods'), empty pods and information sheets. Watch it crackle and burn!
A swift start:
The expanding furnace: now it's starting to look like Dresden (the most egregeous Allied war crime ever):
The end is nigh:
Ashes to ashes...
AAAAhhh, so satisfying, the cleansing fire...
vrijdag 3 januari 2025
An antique spectroscope
World War Something
Now, THIS guy, he gets that World War Something thang too:
Heaven is a Place on Earth!
I played that track obsessively on the way back from a Milan hospital where my Daughter Elly was born from the then Saintly Julie. Thank the Almighty for something positive once in a while... Belinda, you're beautiful and Iwant to have your babies.
donderdag 2 januari 2025
My new 'smart' phone
woensdag 1 januari 2025
Exterminate: a colourfull Dalek-type of a creature
These Daleks are uncharachteristically 'sappig'. Recepy to follow soon
In the mean time: want one? 20 Euro, same or next day (digital) delivery!!! And here we are: proof of Confidence!Meet the Family!
Left: the Son and right, my older twin brother, P.Aternoster, aka 'den ouwe zot'
Malcontent: "that glass is far too small!"
Annie, La Reine de Zandhoven, who has an oven in which something was awakened, 63 yrs ago (3059 AD):
Enfin, the 'central figure' of the Holy Family, Gert, Chemist, Madman, genie in a bottle, small time crook and failed husband, but by Jove promising and below in a much younger capacity, basically a Figlio: The Crown Prince is young and foolish and has a peanut for a brain. But he had fantastische rede: bekijk het maar...Breaking: Satan Found! Hiding in plain sight in the Universe and in seasalt...
Requiem for Reclycling: it makez no senze!!!
Doosjes, 'information' sheets, plastic rubbish; all generated by ecigs (here HEXA vaping 'system') packaging. Waste is the New Gold but not for the right reasons.
In Excelsis! Gloriam Pater Noster!
Now you see him, now you don't... He always was the strong and silent type, our Lord...
Pray with us, post-Apocalypse... Don't forget to don your sombrero!
Alles gans kaput, ja?
Sound Void: The Source
Haunting sequencers from the Queen of Ice Wave:
These Daleks are uncharachteristically 'sappig'. Recepy to follow soon In the mean time: want one? 20 Euro, same or next day (di...
Recycling made practical. A guide. HEXA is my brand of vaping and I like it (but once I get my real vaping stuff from the Island of Doom ...