zaterdag 4 januari 2025

Fire at the Tower of Hexalon!

Recycling made practical. A guide.

HEXA is my brand of vaping and I like it (but once I get my real vaping stuff from the Island of Doom it'll all go out of the window).

Like all 'well meaning' capitalists it provides a wealth of 'information', related to the pressing problem of that mountain of 'ewaste'.

The tower of Hexalon below is made from empty boxes (of 'pods'), empty pods and information sheets. Watch it crackle and burn!

A swift start:

The expanding furnace:

The end is nigh:

Ashes to ashes...

AAAAhhh, so satisfying, the cleansing fire...

vrijdag 3 januari 2025

An antique spectroscope

I found this little jewel on an ebricabrac (Abracadabra?) site. Apparently it's a late 19th Century spectroscope ("scope de spectres des objets lumineuzes", as these things are called, I was told) It could be worth a few thousand (Bitcoin?), or so I'm told:
After delicately cleaning it up a bit:
And it still works, see this spectrum of an old strip light (TL tube. will this old bird still fly chasing 'modern' LEDs?):
Much, much more about this and how diffraction led to Modern Physics and what Ennio Morricone has to do with all of this (?????)

World War Something

It's been said often that WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones. But what about the one after that one? Meet the belligerents.
Barely out of the frying pan and into the fire, the brave Smurfians:
... are faced with Mad King Yellow and his fiercely protective blue pussy:
Let battle commence and may the spoils go to the victor!

Now, THIS guy, he gets that World War Something thang too:

Heaven is a Place on Earth!

I played that track obsessively on the way back from a Milan hospital where my Daughter Elly was born from the then Saintly Julie. Thank the Almighty for something positive once in a while... Belinda, you're beautiful and Iwant to have your babies.

donderdag 2 januari 2025

I am the virus

Rainer Maria Rilke: now with illustrations

Illustrations by zwaremetalen (former Ruler of Mordor and environs)

My new 'smart' phone

I got this little ditty at a 'centre for the departed', ooops, I meant deported. If I pay you $20-, you can take the damn thing off my hands (but you are responsible for greenethical disposal - no cheting with the Chinks!)

Fire at the Tower of Hexalon!

Recycling made practical. A guide. HEXA is my brand of vaping and I like it (but once I get my real vaping stuff from the Island of Doom ...